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Calculate GPA In Zambia

UNZA GPA Calculator Web app

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How to Calculate GPA in Zambia

GPA (Grade Point Average) in Zambia is calculated by following these steps:

  1. Assign a numerical grade value to each letter grade obtained in each course. The numerical values typically range from 1 to 7, with 1 being the lowest and 7 being the highest.
  2. Calculate the Credit Units for each course. This represents the weight or value assigned to each course based on its credits.
  3. Multiply the Credit Units of each course by the numerical grade obtained to get the Quality Points for that course.
  4. Add up the total Credit Units and Quality Points for all courses.
  5. Divide the total Quality Points by the total Credit Units to obtain the GPA.


What is the grading scale in Zambia?

The grading scale in Zambia commonly uses the following numerical values:

  • A: 7
  • B: 6
  • C: 5
  • D: 4
  • E: 3
  • F: 2
  • G: 1
What is a passing GPA in Zambia?

A passing GPA in Zambia is typically determined by the institution or program. It may vary, but a common passing GPA is usually around 2.0 or higher on a scale of 4.0.

How are repeated courses or retakes calculated in the GPA?

In Zambia, when a course is repeated or retaken, the new grade earned in the course is used to calculate the GPA. The previous attempt and its grade may still be visible on the transcript, but only the most recent grade is considered in the GPA calculation.