Maize Price Calculator



How many Lima's are in a hectare?
visit Lima to hectare calculator.


How much is a 50kg bag of maize in Zambia today?
The price of a 50kg bag of maize in Zambia today varies depending on factors such as market demand, supply, and location. It is recommended to check with local markets or agricultural authorities for the most accurate and up-to-date prices.
What is the FRA price for maize in Zambia?
The Food Reserve Agency (FRA) sets the price for maize in Zambia as part of its agricultural policies. The FRA price for maize can vary from year to year and is typically announced by the government. It is advisable to refer to official government sources or agricultural agencies for the current FRA price.
What is the FRA floor price for 2023?
The FRA floor price for maize in Zambia for the year 2023 has not been officially announced. The FRA typically sets the floor price based on various factors such as production costs, market trends, and government policies. It is recommended to stay updated with official announcements from the FRA or agricultural authorities.
How much does it cost to produce maize in Zambia?
The cost of producing maize in Zambia can vary depending on factors such as land preparation, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, labor, and machinery. It is advisable for farmers to keep detailed records of their expenses to accurately calculate the cost of production. Additionally, consulting with agricultural experts or extension services can provide valuable insights into optimizing production costs.