How Boomplay Pays Per Stream in Kwacha: A Comprehensive Guide

Boomplay, the popular music streaming platform, has become a significant player in the music industry, connecting millions of music enthusiasts with their favorite tunes. For artists and content creators, Boomplay offers an opportunity to showcase their talent and potentially earn money through streaming. But the commkonly asked question is How Much Does Boomplay Pay Per Stream in Kwacha? In this article you will find an asnwer, you can still use the information and calculations provided in the real-life scenario to estimate your potential earnings on Boomplay in Kwacha.

If you’re an artist in Zambia or anywhere else in Africa, you might be wondering just how much Boomplay pays per stream in Kwacha. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore Boomplay’s payment structure and provide insights into how artists can maximize their earnings on the platform.

Understanding Boomplay’s Pay Per Stream Model

Boomplay operates on a pay-per-stream model, where artists receive a share of the revenue generated from the streams of their songs. The exact payment rate can vary depending on several factors, including the user’s location, their subscription status, and the type of content (audio or video). To get a clear picture of how much Boomplay pays per stream in Kwacha, we need to consider these variables.

  1. Location Matters

One of the key factors that determine your earnings on Boomplay is the location of your listeners. Since Boomplay caters primarily to the African market, the currency used for payouts is often the local currency of the user. In Zambia, the local currency is the Kwacha (ZMW). So, if your music is streamed by users in Zambia, you can expect to earn in Kwacha.

  1. User Subscription

Boomplay offers both free and premium subscription options. Premium subscribers pay a monthly fee for an ad-free experience, offline listening, and other premium features. Artists typically earn more from streams by premium subscribers compared to free users. Therefore, encouraging your fans to subscribe to Boomplay’s premium service can help boost your earnings.

  1. Content Type

Boomplay allows artists to upload both audio and video content. Video streams often generate higher revenues than audio streams. So, if you have music videos available on Boomplay, you may earn more per stream when users watch your videos.

Calculating Earnings on Boomplay

To estimate your earnings on Boomplay in Kwacha, you’ll need to keep track of the following metrics:

  1. The total number of streams your songs receive.
  2. The proportion of streams from premium subscribers vs. free users.
  3. The type of content (audio or video) and the corresponding earnings per stream.

Once you have this data, you can calculate your earnings using Boomplay’s payment structure, which typically involves sharing a percentage of the platform’s revenue with content creators. The exact percentage may vary and can be negotiated in some cases.

Maximizing Earnings on Boomplay

To maximize your earnings on Boomplay, consider the following strategies:

  1. Promote Your Music: Actively promote your music to grow your fan base and increase the number of streams. Engage with your audience on social media and collaborate with other artists to gain more visibility.
  2. Encourage Premium Subscriptions: Encourage your fans to subscribe to Boomplay’s premium service, as this will result in higher earnings per stream.
  3. Consistent Uploads: Regularly release new music to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.
  4. High-Quality Content: Ensure that your music is of the highest quality, both in terms of production and content. Well-produced music is more likely to be streamed repeatedly.


Meet Zara, a talented musician from Zambia who has recently uploaded her music to Boomplay. She’s excited about the opportunity to share her music with a wider audience and earn money through streaming.

Zara’s music has gained popularity on Boomplay, and she has accumulated 100,000 streams on one of her songs. Here’s how she calculates her earnings in Kwacha:

  1. Location of Listeners: The majority of Zara’s listeners are from Zambia, so she expects to be paid in Kwacha.
  2. User Subscription: About 70% of her listeners are premium subscribers, while the remaining 30% are using the free version of Boomplay.
  3. Content Type: Zara primarily uploads audio content.

Now, let’s break down her earnings:

Earnings per Stream (Audio):

  • Boomplay’s payment structure pays content creators a certain percentage of the platform’s revenue. On average, this can range from $0.002 to $0.006 per stream.
  • For this scenario, let’s assume Zara earns $0.004 (4/10ths of a cent) per audio stream.

Earnings per Stream (Video):

  • If Zara had music videos on Boomplay, she might earn more, perhaps around $0.008 (8/10ths of a cent) per video stream.

Now, let’s calculate her total earnings:

  1. Total Streams: 100,000 streams
  2. Proportion of Premium vs. Free Streams: 70% premium, 30% free

Earnings from Premium Subscribers:

  • Premium Streams: 70,000 streams
  • Earnings per Premium Stream (Audio): $0.004
  • Total Earnings from Premium Streams (Audio): 70,000 x $0.004 = $280

Earnings from Free Subscribers:

  • Free Streams: 30,000 streams
  • Earnings per Free Stream (Audio): $0.004
  • Total Earnings from Free Streams (Audio): 30,000 x $0.004 = $120

Total Earnings in USD: $280 (Premium) + $120 (Free) = $400

Currency Conversion:

  • Zara wants to convert her earnings to Kwacha. Let’s assume the exchange rate is 1 USD = 25 ZMW (Zambian Kwacha).

Total Earnings in Kwacha: $400 x 25 ZMW/USD = 10,000 ZMW

So, in this scenario, Zara has earned approximately 10,000 Zambian Kwacha from 100,000 audio streams on Boomplay. Please note that actual earnings may vary based on factors like subscription rates, the specific payment structure, and fluctuations in exchange rates. Artists like Zara can further optimize their earnings by employing the strategies mentioned in the previous article.

Boomplay Calculator Zambia

To calculate your potential earnings on Boomplay in Kwacha, you can use our online tool called the “Boomplay Calculator Zambia.” This tool is designed to help artists estimate their earnings based on various factors, including the number of streams, user subscriptions, and content type. It’s a convenient way to get a rough idea of how much you can earn from your music on Boomplay.

To access the Boomplay Calculator Zambia, simply visit our website and follow the instructions provided. This tool will take into account your specific details and provide you with an estimate of your earnings in Kwacha based on real-life scenarios and Boomplay’s payment structure.

Give it a try and see how much you can potentially earn from your music on Boomplay!